What MaWmaw Always Said

"Honey, do it with a good heart"

As a child, both my grandmothers would ask me to keep the living areas clean and picked up. I remember one time my Maw Maw asked me to pick up my boots that I’d thrown haphazardly on the living room floor. I was visibly exasperated and let out an audible huff. She reminded me to do all things with a good heart, even when you’re frustrated. It changes your view of the world from bad or aggravating to, at the very least, tolerable, and at the best a good place to be. We want to encourage folks in this, sometimes rude and uncertain, world to be kind to each other. Have a cup of coffee or tea and a conversation with someone you like, someone you’ve never met, or someone who has a different opinion or culture from your own. We are good hearted and curious to learn new things and meet new people. 


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